The United Reformed Church in Southern Africa, established in 1994, has inaugurated its Okuryangava Congregation.

The Reverends Samuel Mbambo, Mathias Hamukuaja, and Boas Tjingaete cut the ribbon and cake.

The congregation sang hymns of praise and worship, thanking the Lord for the day's successes.

The Reverend Samuel Mbambo gave a brief historical overview of the Okuryangava church.

He says the new branch will shorten the distance congregants travel to attend the service.

Mbambo says the church has a proven track record of bettering people's lives over generations.

"I joined my two colleagues in the Katutura Uniting Church congregation, and that is Reverend Hamukwaya and Reverend Tjingaete. We were three in that congregation, and the congregation was actually overpopulated with reverends by that time, and during that time there were young people who used to attend church in Katutra. They came to ask whether we couldn't have a small place where we could come together and worship on Sunday because it was too far for them to walk up and down. The request was put on the church on the table of the church council, and the church council said it is a good idea and I am privileged to be sent to start that ward here. "

Numerous church choirs also attended the inauguration.

Photo Credits
United Reformed Church in Southern Africa
Lucia Nghifindaka