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Agriculture Ministry, Carl Schlettwein highlights the disease-free status of beef exported to Ghana from abattoirs in the Northern Communal Area.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform says Namibian beef products exported to Ghana from the Northern Communal Area abattoirs is disease free, just like the meat procured from commercial areas.

Schlettwein condemned allegations making rounds on social media, as false and malicious, as propagated to Ghanaian authorities by a group of Namibian commercial farmers who are yet to be identified.

He said such allegations are aimed at jeopardizing the country's market in Ghana and were brought to his attention at a bi-national Commission meeting held in Ghana last year.

The allegations were found to be baseless, the matter was resolved and the country continues exporting beef to Ghana, uninterrupted.

Schlettwein confirms that Namibian beef exports from the Northern Communal Areas do not carry Foot and Mouth Disease and pose no risk of introducing the disease into the market countries.

The Minister noted that the country has put in place a strict livestock production and animal movement regulatory framework and a vaccination program as well as investing in abattoir facilities in the NCAs for safe and reliable market access.

Namibia, Schlettwein said, prides itself as a premier producer and net exporter of free-range quality and disease-free beef products.



Celma Ndhikwa