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Social protection coverage severly limited in Africa


Social protection coverage remains severely limited in Africa, despite the existence of social protection policies. This was evident from the contributions made during the International Council on Social Welfare Africa Seminar that was held in the capital.

Africa currently boasts the lowest social protection coverage globally, with only 17% of the continent's total population benefiting from these programmes. This is in stark contrast to the global average of 47%.

Namibia creates entry points for employment creation


Namibia has identified a number of entry points through which strategic national objectives related to job creation, economic development, and social protection can be attained.

The entry points include greater coordination of employment creation under the auspices of the "whole of government’’ approach, commitment to facilitate the expansion of social protection coverage, and commitment to youth employment and entrepreneurship.

Economist Mally Likukela warns of social protection slant towards elderly


Local economist Mally Likukela says that even though Namibia's investment in social protection is relatively high, assistance is largely geared toward the elderly.

The economist says it's about time the country looked into prioritizing the fastest-growing age group, the youngsters.

Old age, disability, veterans, foster care grants, child maintenance, and vulnerability grants are just some of the more than 30 social programs considered to be instruments of social protection to eradicate poverty and reduce inequalities.

Quality education cited as one of the issues hampering progress in Namibia - ILO


Some trade unions in Namibia mention quality education, outdated statistics and a lack of social protection as some of the issues hampering progress, in terms of jobs and social protection in Namibia. 

This comes after a high-level mission from the International Labour Organisation, (ILO) met with various trade unions in Windhoek. 

The mission came to assess Namibia's readiness and capacity to participate in the UN's Global Accelerator on Jobs and Social Protection.