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Erongo Governor's VIP ticket withholding sparks controversy amid community concerns


Omaruru, Henties Bay, and Arandis councillors did not attend the Independence Day celebrations at Katima Mulilo in their official capacities after the Erongo Governor withheld their VIP tickets.

Erongo Governor Neville Andre says the councillors must first address community issues in their towns before attending celebrations.

The Independence Day organising committee gave 50 VIP tickets for each region to send their public office bearers to the national celebrations.

However, the Erongo Governor has excluded leaders from Omaruru, Henties Bay, and Arandis.

Zambezi to host independence celebrations


The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology announced that this year's Independence Day celebrations will be held at Katima Mulilo.

The day marks the country's 34th independence anniversary.

All Namibians are invited to Katima Mulilo to celebrate the day that paved the way for Namibia's freedom.

The Executive Director of the Ministry, Dr. Audrin Mathe, announced in a statement that the Zambezi Region was chosen to host this year's Independence Day celebrations. 

Malaysia celebrates Independence Day


The Southeast Asian nation of Malaysia celebrated its Independence Day on Thursday. 

The National Day was marked with a ceremony at the Malaysian High Commission in Windhoek.

Malaysia's flag as an independent and sovereign republic was raised for the first time 66 years ago, on August 31st, 1957. Since then, it has gone from strength to strength, growing to become what was referred to as an Asian tiger.  

Military parade significant part of Independence Day celebrations


Namibia's Independence Day celebrations are nothing without a military parade by the country's arms of service.

Independence Day celebrations are incomplete without a military parade, and it is one of the highlights of the event as members, clad in different military attire, captivate the audience as they march past.

The spokesperson in the Ministry of Defense and Veterans Affairs, Colonel Petrus Shilumbu, explained the significance of a March Past.

VIPs at Independence celebration directed to buy own food


Namibian President Hage Geingob directed all VIPs to buy their own food following the Independence Day celebrations.

State House said the President's directive was informed by the attendance at the Independence Day celebrations and the significance of the day itself.

The organizers expected about 15,000 people, but it is estimated that more than 20,000 showed up to join in the festivities.

President Geingob made the impromptu decision and ordered about a thousand VIPs in attendance to cater for themselves.

Independence Day, a day to cultivate positive aspects of our national identity- President Geingob


President Hage Geingob says Independence Day is a day to put differences aside and cultivate positive aspects of our national identity.

He says wherever there are problems, Namibians should take responsibility and collectively resolve to solve them.

Namibians from all regions of the country converged at the Olufuko Centre at Outapi for the 33rd Independence Day celebrations on Tuesday.

The celebrations kicked off early, as people started arriving at the Olufuko Center at 6 o'clock in the morning.

Elenga Oswin Mukulu welcomes nation to Outapi


The traditional leader of the Ombalantu Traditional Authority, Elenga Oswin Mukulu, has welcomed people from all corners of the country and beyond as the region hosts the independence celebration tomorrow.

Mukulu assured the visitors that their stay would be comforted by the diverse cultural experiences and a treat to traditional delicacies.

Excitement is building up in the region as the inhabitants look to celebrate and host the national Independence Day.

All roads will lead to Outapi, the host town, as of today.

Public warned on bringing weapons to Independence Day celebrations


The Namibian Police Force's Omusati Regional Commander, Commissioner Ismael Basson, called on the public who intend to be part of the Independence Day celebrations to "come in peace and leave behind dangerous weapons."

In an interview with Nampa, Commissioner Basson, while calling on the public to refrain from bringing any weapons to the venue, said safety in the region is guaranteed and people should not worry. 

He warned people not to bring harmful weapons, such as guns, knives, and pangas, to the venue, adding that weapons will be confiscated at the gate.

President Geingob to reflect on significant achievements in Independence Day address


State House says President Hage Geingob's address on Independence Day will be consistent in reflecting on significant achievements in nation-building over the past 33 years, notwithstanding the work that lies ahead toward total economic emancipation. 

Press Secretary, Alfredo Hengari says most of the achievements outlined by the President during the State of the Nation Address speak to a resurgent nation, consistent with this year being one of revival.