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Cabinet directs amendments to Electoral Act Section 74(4) preparation


The Cabinet has directed the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice, to prepare and propose amendments to Section 74(4) of the Electoral Act.

This is in view of the review of Article 45 of the Constitution and Section 77(4) of the Electoral Act of 2014, which deals with members of the public who wish to participate in elections to the effect that such persons are deemed to have resigned upon being elected to the National Assembly or National Council and not before or upon being nominated.

MEFT calls urgent meeting as 28 rhinos lost to poaching


The Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism is currently conducting an assessment to determine the extent of rhino poaching. In light of the recent poaching incidents in the park, the ministry has also requested an urgent high-level meeting with the security cluster.

To date, a total of 28 rhinos have been poached in Namibia. Out of these, 19 were poached in the Etosha National Park, while the remaining 10 were discovered during dehorning operations throughout the month of March.

Minister Peya Mushelenga holds productive talks with Russian counterpart


The Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Peya Mushelenga, had substantive and productive talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

Dr. Mushelenga's visit was his first visit to Russia as Minister of International Relations and Cooperation.

A statement issued by the Russian Embassy says the two ministers agreed that bilateral ties, rooted in the uncompromising struggle of the Namibian people for self-determination, are expanding and based on friendship and mutual affection between the peoples.

Russian Embassy calls for severe punishment of the perpetrators of Moscow attack


The Russian Embassy in Namibia has condemned the brutal terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall in Moscow. 

In a statement, the Embassy expressed that "this heinous crime against peaceful citizens" has no justification.

The foreign mission has, in turn, called for severe punishment for the organisers and perpetrators of this crime.

The Embassy also extended its condolences to the families and relatives of those killed and wounded.

President Mbumba condemns terror attacks on innocent civilians in Moscow region


President Nangolo Mbumba has condemned the terror attacks on innocent civilians in the Moscow Region as senseless. 

Dr. Mbumba said he is saddened by the callous terrorist attack, which led to the deaths of over 115 people and injured many others. 

The killing of civilians, the president says, demonstrates complete disregard for human life. 

In a letter to President Vladimir Putin, Dr. Mbumba, on behalf of the people and the government of Namibia, extended sympathies to the families and the people of Russia.

Namibian Embassy in Belgium and the Netherlands hosts memorial for late President Geingob


Namibia's Embassy in the Kingdom of Belgium and the Netherlands, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and the Mission to the European Union will hold a memorial service for the late President Dr. Hage Geingob in the Netherlands.

The belated memorial service for Dr. Geingob will broadcast live this evening from half past eight.

Due to this live broadcast, the evening news bulletin will air at 19:00.

Dr. Geingob died on the 4th of February and was buried on the 25th of February.

President Mbumba in Zambezi to join 34th Independence Day celebrations


President Nangolo Mbumba is in Katima Mulilo, Zambezi Region, to join the masses in the celebration of the country's 34th Independence Day.

Dr. Mbumba is accompanied by Prime Minister Saara Kugongelwa-Amadhila, Minister in the Presidency Christina ||Hoebes, and Minister of Defence Frans Kapofi.

Before undertaking any other official responsibilities, Dr. Mbumba met with four traditional authorities in the region to introduce himself to them as leaders of the community and custodians of the land and seek their wisdom.

NIP acquires 18 vehicles to meet transportation needs


The Namibia Institute of Pathology (NIP) has acquired 18 vehicles to meet its specimen transportation needs. 

This represents an ongoing commitment to invest in resources that will enable the organisation to deliver exceptional care to patients and healthcare partners in both the public and private industries. 

The fleet of cars will reduce waiting times and increase efficiency by ensuring that samples are picked up from collection sites and transported safely to the nearest laboratory.