Rehoboth TC writes off N$26 million in residents' debts


The Rehoboth Town Council has announced that inhabitants of brick houses in Block E, who previously were unable to own their houses, will be granted title deeds.

N$26 million worth of debt was written off during the process, allowing beneficiaries to start afresh.

Local authorities urged to avoid third parties in collecting debts


The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni, urged local authorities to refrain from collecting debt from their clients via third-party enforcers and rather educate residents on their services and their responsibilities to ensure such services remain available.

NamPower to waive all outstanding debt


NamPower will waive all interest on outstanding debt accumulated over the past twelve months, provided that customers settle outstanding amounts before the end of this month.

Customers owe the power utility over a billion dollars, with N$842 million overdue.