CCN advocates for crucial reforms in mining and extractive industries


The Council of Churches in Namibia (CCN) is actively advocating for crucial reforms in the mining and extractive industries.

Its ongoing Alternative Mining Indaba in Namibia revolves around the theme "Increasing Benefits from Mining and Extractive Industries to Address Socio-economic Development Challenges."

Focused on achieving "tax justice" and legally mandated corporate social responsibility, the Council aims to enforce responsible mining practices and ensure industry contributions towards community development.

Weakness in mining and environmental legislation contributes to non-rehabilitation of closed mining sites


A significant contributing factor to the lack of rehabilitation of closed mining sites in Namibia is a weakness in the mining and environmental legislation.

To address this issue, the ministries of Mines and Energy, as well as Environment, are taking steps to amend the existing laws that would require mining companies to include closure plans as part of their licence application process.

Monitoring of mining activities in Namibia a challenge due to lack of inspectors


Members of Parliament and stakeholders have expressed worry over the monitoring of mining activities as Namibia only has three mining inspectors.

The Mining Commissioner, Isabella Kandjii-Chirchir, confirmed that the situation is a challenge for the Ministry of Mines and Energy.

Among other functions, mining inspectors conduct inspections of mining operations and recommend remedial actions.