Keep Namibia Clean Campaign


Namibia is still working to reclaim its number-one position as the cleanest country in Africa.

To that effect, the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism recently joined hands with the organisation 'Let's Do It Namibia' to create awareness around cleanliness.

Currently, Namibia is ranked as the 10th cleanest country in Africa, down from the number one spot after it lost that status to Rwanda. 

Reptile Mineral Resources donates trees


The Managing Director of Let's Do It Namibia, Tanswell Rooinasie, urged the public and private sectors to support environmental education projects in schools.

During the donation of trees by Reptile Mineral Resources, worth N$30 thousand, to five schools in Swakopmund.

The Let's Do It Namibia organisation implemented a tree planting project, the Sustainable Environmental Education Programme (SEEP), in 2022.

SEEP educates learners about sustainable living practises and encourages them to incorporate those principles into their daily lives.

"Let's Do It Namibia" donates citrus fruit trees to three different schools


Let's Do It Namibia has donated citrus fruit trees to three different schools in Windhoek.

Martti Ahtisaari Primary School is among those that received trees.

The Sustainable Environmental Education Programme is a pillar of "Let's Do It Namibia," which strives to make a change in the lives of Namibians through education and mentoring.