Omaheke Regional Council and partners to electrify Okatumba


The Omaheke Regional Council, in partnership with NamPower and CENORED, is set to electrify Okatumba Growth Point in the Otjombinde Constituency.

The six-month project is set to cost N$2.5 million and will start on October 24.

At the site handover at Okatumba Gate, Wenzel Kavaka, councillor of Otjombinde, said that with this new development, the livelihoods of most are set to improve through business opportunities, and temporary job opportunities will be presented to locals during this period of six months.

Okatumba Agriculture show


The 13th edition of the Okatumba Agricultural Show centred on promoting upcoming young farmers and exchanging ideas between experts and enthusiasts.

Speaking at Okatumba in the Otjombinde Constituency, Committee Member Alba Marenga urged young upcoming farmers to concentrate on producing quality stock as opposed to keeping large herds of livestock.