Call to reach out to marginalised learners


As parents are preparing to send their children back to school, the caretaker of marginalised learners and students at Rundu Erica Uses is still waiting for assistance from good Samaritans to send their children to school.

Erica Uses, also from the marginalised community, is an unemployed mother of four who takes care of more than 55 marginalised learners and students in the Kavango East Region.

She provides food, toiletries, and other basic needs for school. Uses, however, says this has been a struggle each year.

Cocoma Primary School caters for marginalised learners


The principal of the Cocoma Primary School in the Kavango East Region's Ndiyona Constituency caters for more than 140 marginalised learners from his school and surrounding areas.

The principal and his staff go out of their way to cater for the learners basic needs.

Moses Munuma Ndumba says that in 2008, when he became the school principal, there were only 25 learners at the school.