#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | nbc sends teams off to regions to cover elections


The Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (nbc) will once again deploy its teams to the regions to cover the national elections.

Director General Stanley Similo sent off the journalists this afternoon, where he emphasised the importance of credible reporting.

Public Debt Servicing Bill increases


The Public Debt Servicing Bill has increased beyond the levels anticipated in the National Budget.

Finance Minister Iipimbu Shiimi says this is commensurate with a rising debt portfolio coupled with the prevailing tight financial conditions.

Orange River boundary dispute a discussion point at BNC sessions 


The long-standing dispute over the Orange River boundary between Namibia and South Africa will feature during deliberations at the 3rd session of the Namibia-South Africa Bi-National Commission (BNC), underway in Windhoek.

The Orange River forms the international border between South Africa and Namibia.

Two die in truck collision on Trans Kalahari Highway


Two truck drivers died and one other was injured in a multiple truck collision on the Trans Kalahari Highway in Botswana on Friday.

The Trans Kalahari Corridor Secretariat (TKCs), says five trucks have been involved in the road crash, caused by poor visibility as a result of a veld fire.