Parliamentary Committee looks into challenges in livestock sector


In response to mounting concerns over the state of the livestock sector in the country, particularly in the Northern Communal Areas (NCA), the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Economics and Public Administration has initiated a series of oversight visits. 

The visits are scheduled to take place from the 12th to the 24th of this month.

The committee will investigate the condition of quarantine farms, camps, facilities, and abattoirs in the NCAs and propose actionable recommendations.

Mines Ministry accused of hiding data on diamond deposits in Skeleton Coast Park


The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Economics and Public Administration is convinced that the Ministry of Mines and Energy is hiding information and documentation on diamond deposits and mining operations in Skeleton Coast Park.

In a report, the committee has recommended that the ministry not renew any mining and exploration licences within the park.

The committee went on an oversight visit to Skeleton Coast Park in August 2023. That mission was tasked with assessing and determining whether there are existing diamond deposits or mining operations taking place.