

UNGA President commends Namibia for its gender parity in the NA


The United Nations General Assembly President, Dennis Francis commended Namibia for its gender parity in the National Assembly, underscoring the country's commitment to inclusivity and equality.

Dennis Francis addressed a joint Parliament session this afternoon. 

Francis also spoke about the drought situation in Namibia, saying the country does not have adequate fiscal space to cater to the demands of the means of implementation due to its lack of access to affordable climate financing. 

UNGA President Dennis Francis arrives in Namibia    


The President of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Dennis Francis, has arrived in Namibia this afternoon. 

Ambassador Francis' four-day visit is in preparation for the Summit of the Future, which will be co-hosted by Namibia and Germany in September.

Francis was received at the Hosea Kutako International Airport by the Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security. Lucia Witbooi, the UN Country Representative Hopolang Phororo, and the Executive Director in the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation, Penda Naanda.