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National Assembly considers early recess given opposition MPs' continued boycott


The absence of opposition party parliamentarians in the National Assembly has resulted in a short session this afternoon - with some MPs suggesting that the house goes on recess right away.
During the last two weeks, the National Assembly was marred by negative pictures of opposition party members unceremoniously walking out and staging a complete boycott.
In today' sitting, some opposition members could be seen in the house, some all smile and others very serious. 

They appeared briefly in the house before again disappearing.

Kashikola says SARPCCO remained true to its objectives


Deputy Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security, Daniel Kashikola, says the Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organization (SARPCCO) has remained true to its objectives and has made significant headway toward strengthening cooperation, fostering joint strategies, and managing all forms of cross-border crime in the SADC region.

Home Affairs Ministry urges parents to get birth certificates immediately after birth of children


The Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security Deputy Minister is urging parents to ensure their children are issued birth certificates immediately after birth.

Dr Daniel Kashikola made the call during an outreach programme to issue birth certificates in the Ohangwena Region's remote rural areas.

Kashikola says undocumented children are a situation created by parents who do not have birth certificates issued for their children, depriving these children of their rights.