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Global Fund, MoHSS launch Grand Cycle 7


The Global Fund and the Ministry of Health and Social Services have launched Grand Cycle 7 for the next three years.

With this support, Namibia aims to end HIV/AIDS as a public health threat by 2026, attain HIV epidemic control by 2028, decrease the burden of TB, and achieve zero indigenous malaria cases by 2027.

Since 2004, the Global Fund has disbursed over US$391 million, equivalent to more than N$7 billion.

It has recently approved a three-year Grant Cycle 7 valued at over N$672 million and an additional N$297 million for the COVID-19 Response Mechanism.

Japan funds project addressing malnutrition in Namibia


Addressing malnutrition in Namibia requires a multi-sectoral and 'whole of society' approach.

This would involve dealing with the root causes of malnutrition and a lack of an adequate diet.

To effectively fight malnutrition, stakeholders need to collaborate and ensure effective and successful utilisation of resources.

Robust social safety nets are encouraged to respond effectively to the needs of vulnerable communities that are affected by climatic conditions, and a lack of water, tools, or seeds to grow their own produce.

Number of State patients requiring funding increases


The number of state patients requiring funding from the Ministry of Health and Social Services has increased drastically over the years.

This fund, which was established to assist state patients who are unable to afford private health care, was allotted about N$57 million for the 2023/2024 financial year.

The Special Fund for the Treatment of Unusual Illnesses was established in 2012 to fund state patients with rare conditions, ailments, or illnesses that cannot be treated in public hospitals or in Namibia.

Harmful stereotypes fuel mental health - Dr Muinjangue


The Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services says individuals grappling with mental health challenges are at a high risk of contemplating and attempting suicide.

Dr. Utjiua Muinjangue said this during the commemoration of World Mental Day held at Usakos under the theme "Mental health is a universal human right".

Many people globally experience mental illness or have at least one member of the family with a mental health condition.

These include depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, or untreated psychosis.

Health Ministry to call out contractors


The Ministry of Health and Social Services says it will debar contractors who fail to deliver projects and will implement penalties for late delivery.

Its Executive Director, Ben Nangombe, said this when he presented a report on the ministry's activities at health facilities in Windhoek.

"Contractors who fail us in the implementation of the projects are going to recommend to the policy unit that they are barred from participating in the awarding of new projects. We are also going to enforce the levying of penalties."


MoHSS inaugurates National Drug Control Commission


The Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) has inaugurated the National Drug Control Commission (NDCC) in order to strengthen on-going efforts to ensure that communities are protected from potential harm that is inherent in the trade and use of illicit drugs.

Namibia ratified and acceded to the UN Convention against Illicit Trafficking of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988 in 2009.

HIV prevalence among pregnant women declines


HIV prevalence among pregnant women has declined from 22% in 2002 to 14% last year.

This is according to the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) Executive Director, who welcomed the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, Ambassador Dr. John Nkengasong, on a visit to the Katutura State Hospital.

During an engagement with beneficiaries of the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission HIV Programme, Ben Nangombe revealed that 98% of all pregnant women in Namibia attend antenatal care, and more than 90% of them deliver at hospitals.

MoHSS acquires four trucks to enhance the transportation of clinical supplies


The Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) has acquired four trucks to enhance the transportation and distribution of pharmaceuticals and clinical supplies throughout the country, as well as alleviate the strain on its ageing fleet.

Valued at more than N$10 million, the new trucks were unveiled by Health Minister Dr. Kalumbi Shangula at the Otjiwarongo State Hospital.

The newly acquired trucks will be utilised by the central and regional medical stores to strengthen the supply chain, thereby allowing for more efficient and timely deliveries.

MoHSS hosts Menstrual Health and Hygiene Day at Eenhana


The Ministry of Health and Social Services hosted a Menstrual Health and Hygiene Day at Eenhana to create awareness of the importance of good menstrual health and management. 

The day was preceded by a street march by learners and was further marked with dances and songs, sending a strong message about the importance of menstrual health and hygiene in schools.

Wendy Nashilongo a learner at PH Mwanadingi read the statement on behalf of all girls.

Health Deputy Minister says health and well-being of employees a concern


The Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services says that the health and well-being of employees are concerning, hence the need to create platforms to discuss strategies on how to improve their well-being.

Dr. Utjiua Muinjangue was speaking at the Employee Wellness Indaba Conference held in Windhoek.

Dr. Muinjangue says a recent survey revealed that over 70% of employees in Namibia suffer from work stress or chronic health conditions.

This causes a 35% productivity loss for Namibian companies.