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Nationhood and National Pride Campaign a success


The declaration of Namibia's independence in 1990 implied that Namibian people would forever live in unity and take pride in their nationhood.

The My Nationhood and National Pride Campaign Program was introduced to ensure that the spirit of unity, peace, stability, and pride will forever live on among Namibians.

With its popular slogan 'My Namibia, My Country, My Pride,' the Nationhood and National Pride Campaign was first launched in May 2011 by former President Hifikepunye Pohamba.

Mushelenga reinforces national pride through NNP


A study by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) and the University of Namibia (UNAM) shows that Namibians lack self-esteem and feelings of excessive self-worth.

The Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Dr Peya Mushelenga, now wants to reinforce national pride through the Nationhood and National Pride Campaign.

Dr Mushelenga was in Rundu as part of his regional participation in the Nationhood and National Pride Programme.