A study by the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) and the University of Namibia (UNAM) shows that Namibians lack self-esteem and feelings of excessive self-worth.

The Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Dr Peya Mushelenga, now wants to reinforce national pride through the Nationhood and National Pride Campaign.

Dr Mushelenga was in Rundu as part of his regional participation in the Nationhood and National Pride Programme.

In his address, Mushelenga emphasized the respect of national colours and symbols as paramount to national pride, which includes making sure that correct protocols are followed during the singing of the national anthem and the hoisting of the country's flag.

"When we sing the national anthem, as was mentioned here, some people will be answering phone calls or texting while others are singing the national anthem. I do not know whether you all listen to the words in the national anthem. 'We give our love and loyalty together in unity'. I also see some members of the media taking photographs while the anthem is being sung. It is wrong. Everyone is supposed to respect the national anthem."

The ministry will run a social media campaign on proper etiquette for national symbols and educate the public on the meaning of the Namibian flag's colours.

Nationhood and National Pride Campaigns will be conducted across all 14 regions.

Photo Credits
The Namibian
Elizabeth Mwengo