

MICT hosts Workplace Mental Health Awareness Day


The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) dedicated a day to promoting mental health awareness in the workplace, highlighting its vital role in boosting employees' productivity and overall quality of life.

nbc welcomes three new board members


Information and Communication Technology Minister Emma Theofelus expressed her confidence in the role of the NBC's  new board of directors in ensuring comprehensive election coverage.

They are Oaitse Van Staden, as Deputy Chairperson, Kula Simson, and Cletius Simasiku.

RCA INTERVIEW | National ICT Summit


Denver Isaacks interviewed Shoki Kandjimi, senior spokesperson for the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT), about his key role in organizing the National ICT Summit. 

PowerCom to construct more towers in ||Kharas


PowerCom plans to set up 12 telecommunication network towers in the ||Kharas Region over the next two financial years to enhance nationwide digital connectivity. 

Youth encouraged to use social media productively


Information and Communication Technology Minister Emma Theofelus has encouraged young people to use their digital literacy to explore opportunities around the world on the internet and social media platforms.