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MICT directed to spearhead national digital strategy and action plan


The Cabinet has directed the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology to spearhead a groundbreaking initiative, crafting a comprehensive national digital strategy and action plan.

Thus, the ministry, alongside key stakeholders in the digital realm, convened a pivotal validation workshop to fine-tune Namibia's National Digital Strategy, setting the stage for a transformative digital landscape.

MultiChoice, nbc launch Mukorob Film Project


The Deputy Minister of Information and Communication Technology (MICT), Emma Theofelus, has urged commercial banks to consider the establishment of a specialised loan programme tailored to support local filmmakers.

She was speaking at the launch of the Mukorob Film Project in the capital on Wednesday.

MultiChoice Namibia's collaboration with the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (nbc) has enabled 13 local film production houses to release top-quality and distinct Namibian stories.

Headwoman Namundjebo-Tilahun aids farmers affected by drought 


The headwoman of Ohailombo Village, Martha Namundjebo-Tilahun, has brought hope and relief to the farmers in Eengodi and Nehale LyaMpingana constituencies in the Oshikoto Region.

A lack of adequate rainfall this year has affected many people, let alone livestock.

Previously, during this time of the year, farmers could be seen transporting their animals from the main land to the cattle posts for better grazing.

However, with global warming, the situation has changed.

Data Protection Bill validation


The enactment of the Data Protection Bill, once enforced, could boost Namibia's competitiveness in the investment and business spheres.

This was highlighted at a two-day stakeholder validation workshop.

Competitiveness will aid Namibia in building and maintaining trust and credibility with investors while making it an investment destination.

The Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board's Margareth Gustavo was alluding to international investors who proposed to set up a call centre and service-providing opportunities in the country.

Heroes day celebration venue move to Windhoek


The Namibian government has announced the change in venue for this year's commemoration of Heroes' Day on August 26. The event was initially scheduled to be hosted in Omuthiya, Oshikoto Region, but will now be held in the capital, Windhoek.

The Executive Director of the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology, Dr. Audrin Mathe, announced the change of venue.


MICT concludes engagements on Data Protection Bill


The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) concluded its consultative engagements on the Data Protection Bill in all fourteen regions.

The bill, whose consultations ended at Gobabis, aims to protect the right to privacy with respect to the processing of personal data and govern the processing of personal information by private and public bodies.

Media freedom a key to informed nations


The Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Dr. Peya Mushelenga, emphasises media freedom as crucial for public information dissemination.

Dr. Mushelenga remarked this during a government media benchmark exercise between Namibia and Botswana, held in Gaborone.

Commencing his three-day working visit, the minister and his delegation embarked on a tour of the Mass Media Complex in Gaborone, a prominent institution housing BTV, Print, and Radio Services.

National symbols campaign in Gobabis


The Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Dr. Peya Mushelenga, maintains that his ministry will continue to promote and educate the public on the importance of national symbols.

Dr. Mushelenga made this remark at the official launch of the National Symbols campaign at Gobabis.

National symbols are the embodiment of national unity, patriotism, national pride, a sense of belonging, and enhanced nationhood.

ICT Minister reminds media of responsible journalism


The Information and Communication Technology Minister, Dr Peya Mushelenga, stressed that the role of the media as the fourth pillar of democracy is indisputable while reminding members of the fourth estate about the importance of responsible journalism.

The minister and his executive team engaged the public and private media houses in the capital.

"You are not just news reporters, but you are custodians of truth, the public relies on your ability to present facts accurately, verify information rigorously, and maintain high ethical standards."