NSA called on to urgently review 2023 census report


National Council lawmaker Paulus Mbangu has called for an urgent review of the 2023 Population and Housing Census Report, released by the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) last month, due to what he termed "serious" concerns over its accuracy and clarity.

Resettlement Policy sets out distribution models


Land allocation countrywide will be distributed through three proposed models: high, moderate, and low economic values. 

These models or criteria are contained in the National Resettlement Policy of 2023 under review.

High Court to review Veterans Act


The High Court is set to hear an application to review the Veterans Act following an application by Willem Beukes and former members of the South West African Territorial Force (SWATF) for alleged discrimination.

International roundtable review of Namibia's outdated corporate laws underway


The week-long international roundtable on the review and modernization of Namibia's outdated corporate laws is underway in Windhoek.

The review is aimed at encouraging investment and innovation through the adoption of an effective and predictable regulatory business environment.