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Aroab Sebastiaan Abrahams sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for rape


Acting Divisional Magistrate Stanley Tembwe from the Keetmanshoop Regional Court has sentenced Aroab Sebastiaan Abrahams to 10 years imprisonment for raping a minor girl.

Abrahams is said to have lured a six-year-old girl to the veld, where he raped her.

He committed the offense at the age of 15 in Aroab Village in the ||Kharas Region.

Sentencing Abrahams, Tembwe remarked that rape falls in the category that warrants a custodial sentence.

Rape convicted Johannes Gawanab sentenced to effective 20-years


The Keetmanshoop Regional Court sentenced Johannes Gawa!nab to an effective 20 years of imprisonment for raping two minor boys.

Gawa!nab pleaded guilty to two charges of rape. 

In sentencing Gawa!nab, Divisional Magistrate Frans Anderson said the circumstances of the case highlight the never-ending abuse of children by adults.

In addition, he said society desperately relies on the courts to mete out appropriate sentences to perpetrators.