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Holidaymakers return home for New Year's celebrations


Holidaymakers who travelled to various destinations have begun making their return, resulting in an influx of traffic on the national roads.

Many expressed their excitement about reuniting with family and friends for New Year's Eve celebrations after spending Christmas away from home.

Motorists exchanged well-wishes and spread holiday cheer.

Law enforcement officials were on hand to manage the increased flow of vehicles and ensure a smooth transition for travellers.

NamPol Urges Holidaymakers to Alert Police When Traveling


NamPol's Deputy Inspector General, Major General Elias Mutota, has urged holidaymakers to alert police officers in their jurisdiction when they travel.

General Mutota did some legwork at the Okapuka roadblock, where he also emphasized the increase in house break-ins during the festive season.

"We make sure that all police in the regions are always prepared to ensure that the safety on our roads is guaranteed," he said. "I would also like to assure the public that the peace and security situation in this country as we speak is stable," he added.