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Swakopmund's high unemployed rate is a cause for concern


Swakopmund Constituency Councillor Louisa Kativa says the town's high unemployment rate is worrisome.

Kativa handed over equipment to small and medium enterprises, valued at N$130,000, through the Constituency Development Fund.

Kativa believes that the high unemployment rate has the potential to cause serious social repercussions if overlooked.

One possible way, she says, to address youth unemployment is to support young people in creating their own businesses, as they have the interest and potential to become self-employed.

NIMT in need of resources to accommodate more srudents


There is an urgent need to mobilize resources for the Namibia Institute of Mining and Technology, NIMT, to accommodate more students.

This was the observation by a delegation which comprised the Mayor of Swakopmund Dina Namubes, Councillor Blasius Goraseb and  Constituency Councillor Louisa Kativa that visited the two NIMT campuses at Arandis.

According to Goraseb, NIMT has the capacity to absorb the thousands of young people that didn't make it to university, saying that the will is there but the lack of resources is the biggest handicap.

Lack of resources such as textbooks demoralize teachers to teach properly


One of the contributing factors that demotivate teachers to teach properly is a lack of resources, such as textbooks.

This was the view of Swakopmund Mayor Dina Namubes during a debate on the current school curriculum that she hosted in the town.

Namubes hopes that this debate will help improve education results for 2023 at Swakopmund.

"We hope that this message that comes out for this room will really help our future generation and our future leaders."