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President Hage Geingob has extended condolences to the family of the late Deputy Kaptein of |Hai |Khaua Traditional Authority, Stephanus Goliath.

Goliath died on Friday, aged 78.

President Geingob described the passing of the late Chief Goliath as a big loss to the |Hai-|Khaua Traditional Authority and the Namibian nation.

He said Goliath, who is also the former Governor of ||Kharas Region, contributed immensely to the liberation struggle for independence.

Chief Goliath also served as the chairperson of the Swapo Party and Regional Commissioner of the southern region before and after Namibia's independence.

President Geingob consoled the family, saying Namibia mourns a leader who dedicated his time and energy towards uplifting the living standards of the people.

Dr. Geingob says the legacy of the Kaptein Goliath will prevail in the |Hai-|Khaua community and among Namibians at large. 

He will be remembered for being totally committed to the nation-building of government.

Photo Credits
Namibian Presidency


Blanche Goreses