As the nbc talk show "The Wheels of Justice" celebrates one year of informing and educating the public on legal matters, more Namibians are acquainted with the law and how to resolve legal matters.

This is exactly the aim.

Despite legal certainty in Namibia, there are some areas and practices that remain challenging, including accessibility and the need for ordinary Namibians to understand critical aspects of the justice system.

Thus, exactly one year ago, nbc premiered a legal talk show, "The Wheels of Justice", launched by Chief Justice Peter Shivute.

The show, founded by journalists Daniel Nadunya and Laimi Hainghumbi, provides an opportunity for the public to learn about the legal system and stay on the right side of the law by engaging with legal experts.

The program has, in a short period, become a staple of Sunday programming, airing once a week.

Since its inception, "The Wheels of Justice" has produced 52 episodes and has interviewed over 100 personalities in the legal fraternity.

Denver Kisting is the current producer.

Some of the guests on the show, including Justice Minister Yvonne Dausab and other prominent lawyers, have sent their best wishes on the anniversary of "The Wheels of Justice."

The Director General of the nbc, Stanley Similo, recently reiterated his vision to expand programming and content.

The founders of the program, the nbc management, and the production crew have reiterated their commitment to making the program bigger and better.



Celma Ndhikwa