The Rundu Vocational Training Centre and the Northern Regional Electricity Distributor (NORED)  signed an agreement to improve joint cooperation and collaboration in the field of technical and vocational education and training.

The two institutions renewed their partnership, which began eight years ago.

NORED Chief Executive Officer Fillemon Nakashole says technical and vocational education and training are crucial for sustainability and socio-economic development.

"Therefore, the signing of another MoU today between the two institutions affirms our clear joint commitment and ambitions on skill development and capacity building to ensure that we produce superior human resources who are competitive and ready to enter the global workforce. Additionally, the signing of this MoU is a huge incentive to both NORED and Rundu VTC, as it aims to strengthen our collaboration mainly in the areas of meaningful exchange between education, research and development, and practise."

As part of the agreement, Nored in 2016 offered job attachments to 50 students from the Rundu VTC.

At the moment, NORED employs four electricians.

"NORED may assist RVTC through sponsorship to assist in equipping their training workshops. For NORED to provide guest lectures to RVTC in order to inspire and motivate Electrical General Trainees or any other trades where it may be required (at least once a year). Industry Exposure for RVTC Staff members for capacity building and technological updates. Attendance of short courses by the NORED staff member for capacity building and basic skills upgrading purposes at a favourable (agreed) rate on the course fee. Explore possible synergies concerning staff exchange between NORED and RVTC."

The Rundu Vocational Training Centre Manager, Kornelius Lukas, expressed appreciation for NORED's contribution to the institution and for having extended the term of industrial attachments from six to 12 months.

"Today marks a new chapter in this partnership journey. RVTC commits to assisting NORED staff members without qualifications through recognition of prior learning. In addition, we have designed new short courses that will assist those who would like to acquire skills and knowledge in a particular field, which will be open to NORED staff at a reasonable fee."

Apart from the Rundu Vocational Training Centre, NORED signed similar agreements with the Windhoek, Valombola, and Nakayale Vocational Training Centres, as well as with UNAM and NUST.

The Zambezi Vocational Training Centre will be added to the list.



Elizabeth Mwengo