After operating for a century without a school hall, St. Barnabas Primary School in Katutura now boasts one.

The school hall, which was inaugurated today, was made possible through the contributions of parents, teachers, and a boost from NamPower.

The principal of St. Barnabas Primary School, Nahason Mbangura, says that a school hall is needed for various activities, as it is not only for the school but can also be used by the local community.

"The school conceived the idea of constructing a school hall each time the school community and parents gather outside in the sun or rain or alternatively seek to rent a place outside the school premises due to classroom space. We were also mindful of the fact that, due to economic pressures, the school couldn't expect the government to do much due to other pressing needs. Therefore, we saw a need to raise funds for the purpose of the construction of a hall."

Khomas Governor Laura McLeod-Katjirua says that the school that started with only a few learners produced many Namibians who played an important role in the country's freedom.

"It is estimated that the school started with about 120 learners and important personalities such as His Excellency Dr. Sam Shafishuna Nujoma, the founding father of the Namibian Nation. The late professor Mburumba Kerina, the late Dr. Zedekia Ngavirue, Dr. Kaire Mbuende, Br. Tjamas Tjikua, Ms. Meriam Onesmus Amathila, Mr. Charles Kauraisa, and many others are former students of St. Barnabas. The school produced many men and women who went on to play important roles in government, business, and the community at large."

McLeod-Katjirua urged learners and teachers to safely guard the building.

NamPower also came on board during the last phase by supporting the construction process.

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Lucy Nghifindaka