The Namibian Standards Institution (NSI) has launched a metrology awareness campaign in Windhoek.

The Metrology Act provides for standardisation and conformity services through a well-defined national measurement system to the benefit of Namibian citizens.

The Metrology Act No. 5 of 2022 will allow the NSI to carry out its designated function of being the National Metrology Institute and the competent legal metrology authority effectively.

The new act also addresses the broadened gap in the lack of application of metrology controls to critical measurements in health, safety, and the environment that exists in our current laws, thereby enhancing consumer protection.

It further attends to Namibia's national quest to be in sync with its trading partners to foster market access and alleviate technical barriers to trade based on measurements.

The Minister of Trade and Industrialization noted that the implementation of the Act will also serve as a catalyst for economic emancipation and appreciation of the quality culture of society, including consumer protection.

And will certainly guarantee reduced disputes and transaction costs, as well as control and reduction in fraud incidences.

Lucia Iipumbu also added that it will adequately capacitate the operations of NamRA, as it provides a legal platform for full collection of taxes, fees, and rates, which will boost government coffers.

"As the Ministry and the NSI have decided to commission the campaign on the metrology act, which we passed last year, this act has been on our table for some time, and we are currently finalising the regulations, and we are here to do justice to it. Please continue holding our hand as we continue to change the landscape of the Namibian economy in terms of the regulatory framework. The campaign we are launching today will be held in all 14 regions, but that brings all the regions to one centre, and we want there to be a grantee that all of us need to foster participation and involvement so that all our stakeholders are informed at all levels."

Photo Credits
Ministry of Industrialisation and Trade


July Nafuka