Some members of the National Council welcomed the drought relief budget allocation following the adjustment of the amount by the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises.

Iipumbu Shiimi added an additional N$643 million to supplement the drought relief provision under the Office of the Prime Minister, covering both food distribution as well as support for affected farmers.

Swapo MP Leonard Shikulo expressed appreciation, saying the community of the Omusati Region is satisfied with the allocation of funds for drought relief.

He, however, appealed to the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises to upgrade the Etaka Canal and for its development to be budgeted annually.

Also contributing to the debate was National Council member and Independent candidate Paulus Mbangu, who stated that the quota that was given to the regions was not enough, adding that many people qualified for the relief but did not get enough, especially in the Kavango East Region.

Swapo MP Andreas Amundjindi also added to the discussion with a request to the Office of the Prime Minister to reconsider and review the quota and the criteria used in identifying the beneficiaries.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Joleni Shihapela