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The Namibian Police has commissioned a station at Kalimbeza in Kabbe North in response to criminal activities happening in the area.

The Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security, Dr. Albert Kawana, says the police presence not only gives security assurance to the community but to visitors alike.

The police have in recent years been making their presence felt in the region by opening new stations; they have commissioned one for Kalimbeza.

Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security noted that once completed, the police station will help combat stock theft, illegal fishing, gender-based violence, and other criminal activities.

"I am therefore quite confident that this police post will play a very important role in this area, will cease with the grave situation in this area and beyond, and will seek ways and means of strengthening the use of advanced technological tools in combating transnational organised crime. As you heard, some of these criminal activities are cross-border-related crimes."

He encouraged police officers to work together with the community because only then can they be effective. 

Police Inspector, General Lieutenant Joseph Shikongo, says complaints by community members without action will render police work ineffective.

"Even today, when we leave this meeting, we go home and tell those children of ours—the boys, the sons and daughters, the uncles, the nephews, and the nieces—to leave our houses. There will be no criminality in Namibia because we are housing them, we pay for their schools, and we feed them everyday, but yet they go and steal. We are complaining about stock theft, and we are the people who are buying meat. Someone knows that somebody does not have a chicken and that somebody will come and sell you a cow. Where did he get a cow if the person does not even possess a chicken, just a chicken?"

The Kalimbeza police post will be constructed at a cost of over N$5 million. 

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nbc Digital News


Sililo Mubiana