

Henties Bay residents have bemoaned poverty levels, a lack of recreational facilities, and low wages in the town.

As people flock to different towns in search of a better life, the woes of poverty and unemployment continue to have a grip on the population.

In Henties Bay, the sight of shanty homes paints a picture of desperation for those in search of greener pastures, while the youth struggle to stay out of trouble due to a lack of recreational facilities.

Fabio Soroseb, 20, expressed concern about violent altercations, drugs, and alcohol abuse among the youth, as they have nothing to engage in.

As for him, playing soccer keeps him both mentally and physically fit and, most importantly, out of trouble.

With unemployment ever-rising, a mother of three, Rusia Nangonda, is finding it difficult to find a well-paying job.

The 38-year-old Nangonda migrated to Henties Bay in 2013 as a general worker, but not much has improved over the years, and she says her salary isn't enough for her to make ends meet.

Residents around the town further complained about having to walk long distances to get potable water.

Frustrated residents at the informal settlement are crying out for help and pleading with authorities to develop one of the best tourist destinations in the country.

Photo Credits
nbc Digital News


Celma Ndhikwa