Keila de Oliveira, an aspiring para-athletics swimmer, is set to make a triumphant return to the swimming gala scene after securing sponsorship from Windhoek Gymnasium. Last year, Keila made her debut at the Pupkewitz Interschool Swimming Gala, representing Orban Primary School as their sole participant. This year, she courageously embraces the challenge once more, ready to showcase her exceptional swimming abilities.

Keila de Oliveira, a rising star in the world of para-swimming, captivated audiences last year when she fearlessly competed in the Pupkewitz Interschool Swimming Gala. As the sole representative from Orban Primary School, she left a lasting impression on all who witnessed her prowess in the pool. Determined to pursue her dreams, Keila reached out to the public and corporate community, seeking a scholarship to support her journey. In a moment of pure joy, she was granted a scholarship in August of last year from the esteemed Windhoek Gymnasium Private School.

Now, the time has come for Keila to dive back into the competitive waters as she prepares to exhibit her exceptional swimming skills once again. On Thursday, at the illustrious Windhoek High School, she will take center stage at a thrilling swimming gala. With her unwavering determination and unwavering support from her sponsor, Keila is ready to make a splash and leave a lasting mark in the world of para-swimming.



Janneth !Gaoses