A significant portion of government debt is due for repayment over the medium term.
The N$14.3 billion Eurobond, due on October 29, 2025, is the largest single-day debt maturity in the history of Namibia.
Tabling the National Budget 2024/25 in the National Assembly, Finance and Public Enterprises Minister Ipumbu Shiimi pointed out strong growth in the gross domestic product, supported by improvements in tax collection measures by the Namibia Revenue Authority. These, he said, have led to significant improvements in several revenue streams.
Shiimi noted that the government is committed to redirecting part of the increase in revenues towards a sinking fund to manage the rollover risk and contain increases in future debt service obligations.
According to the Finance Minister, difficult economic conditions over the past years have culminated in a reduced pace of public investments, as evidenced by a persistently small and falling development budget.