Authored on
Thu, 07/21/2022 - 23:11

To achieve sustainable development, it is necessary for journalists to report accurately, timely, and comprehensively on environmental issues and their consequences, as well as on possible solutions.

It is against this background that this year's Press Freedom Day will be celebrated under the theme "A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the Face of the Environmental Crisis."

Journalism serves as a watchdog over the planet, including by shedding light on environmental injustices and holding those in power accountable for their actions and decisions that impact the health of Planet Earth.

Journalism itself is not immune to the pressures and constraints of the modern media landscape, especially in an era of shrinking newsrooms, sensationalism, and misinformation. 

Environmental reporting faces unique challenges. 

nbc's Situation KRiTiKal sat down with experts from the media fraternity to unpack the crucial role journalists play when it comes to environmental reporting and the challenges they face.

World Press Freedom Day was proclaimed by the UN General Assembly in December 1993, following the recommendation of UNESCO's General Conference. 

Since then, the 3rd of May, also the anniversary of the Windhoek Declaration of 1991, has been celebrated worldwide as World Press Freedom Day.

Photo Credits
NBC Digital News


July Nafuka