

Cross-border malaria transmission remains a problem in mitigating the disease, and interventions are needed in endemic regions such as the Kavango East Region.

The region commemorated belated World Malaria Day at Shadikongoro in the Mukwe Constituency. 

Malaria peak transmissions occur between the months of December and May.

The Health Director for Kavango East, Idah Mendai, says the team has been monitoring malaria cases in the region since January, with Andara recording the highest cases.

"Andara district is moving with difficulty, we have seen an increase in malaria cases. Of all the malaria cases reported, 67 percent are from this district. The region did not remain silent upon receiving these reports, and together with the district, we have tried to intervene to stop the transmission. Upon our analysis, what we are seeing is that of all cases, 67 percent are coming from this district, but there are cases 25 percent of these cases are non-local. By non-local, I mean they are not coming from this district; most of them are coming from our neighbouring Angola, which is the Mukoso and Diriko provinces."

The Ministry of Health and Social Services has put interventions in place such as malaria spray, case management and treatment, tracing of cases, and awareness campaigns against malaria. 

Mendai says efforts against malaria can only be successful if the neighbouring country, Angola, puts measures in place. 

"It won't survive a purpose if we do so much from our side, and yet the other side is relaxing, so we need to move in one direction. This week, honourable governor, we have time to meet our counterparts at the Angolan consulate in Rundu, and we have tabled these cases, and we have dived in to really show them the cases and the trends of what we are seeing, and they have rendered their support to ensure that they want to work with us. Moving forward, we are looking at an urgent district meeting with our counterpart to discuss some of these issues, so cross-border collaboration is the key to fighting malaria and moving towards eliminations."

Late medical-seeking behaviour and uncooperative households during malaria spraying are some of the drivers of disease transmission. 

Kavango East Governor Bonifatius Wakudumo has called on the community to support malaria prevention strategies. 

"My plea is to the villagers and the community leaders, let us be in the forefront of our communities by owning and partaking in government efforts to save our lives from malaria. I would also like to take this opportunity to urge the Divundu village council to be involved in a malaria spraying programme within your risdiction. I hereby urge the public to compliment the ministry's malaria control programme by eliminating mosquito breeding areas around our house."

World Malaria Day is commemorated every year on the 25th of April.

Photo Credits
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Elizabeth Mwengo