Members of the |Khowese clan have applauded a motion proposing the erection of an ever-lighting shrine to honour their late Kaptein Hendrik Witbooi in the Vaalgras area, where he is believed to have succumbed to injuries sustained during a battle with German imperial forces. 

They gave their approval during a consultative meeting held with the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Human Resources and Community Development at Gibeon this week. 

The consultations follow a motion tabled by MP McHenry Venaani to erect the shrine in memory of the late Kaptein Witbooi for his resistance against German imperialism. 

He proposed that the shrine be erected on the hallowed ground at Vaalgras, where Kaptein Witbooi, affectionately known as Outa !Nanseb, had been shot and died from injuries inflicted by German troops.

Despite supporting the idea of the shrine, the clan members instead want it erected at Gibeon Village, the seat of the |Khowese clan. 

Gaob Hendrik Ismael Witbooi agreed that the shrine be erected in Gibeon. 

He, however, recommended that a monument be also built at Vaalgras, at the site where Kaptein Witbooi died. 

The Chairperson of the Standing Committee, Bertha Dinyando, appreciated the |Khowese clan member's contributions.

The standing committee also engaged the members on the Charter for African Cultural Renaissance.



Luqman Cloete