

Three thousand and twenty-one people registered in the general registration of voters in the Omusati Region on Monday.

However, the problem of cameras not capturing some people, especially the elderly, remains a challenge at some registration points, but technicians are trying their best to rectify the matter. 

The ECN Regional Electoral Officer in Omusati, Elizabeth Shiningayamwe, says the registration started well in Omusati, and all 56 points opened exactly at 8:00 as anticipated.

The turnout was good, and ECN was impressed to see people wake up early to go and register to exercise their democratic rights come November.

"There were some hiccup challenges when our kits were printing very slowly, but with the support of our regional and constituency IT, we managed to remedy the situation, and people were able to register. The queues were long, and the last team that closed off late was a team in Outapi that closed off at around 10:00 in the evening. Since we couldn't finish them at ten o'clock, our registration points started at 8:00 to 19:00 in the evening."

Shiningayamwe was pleased to note a large number of young people who turned up at various registration points yesterday, and she is hopeful that they will continue to show up to register.

"The reports that I got this morning are that the turnout is very good. This means that the message is going out there to encourage youth to come and vote. Let's come out in numbers. The registration points are ready. The officials are ready. We have registration officials at each point. They are ready to serve the public on time."

But how are they dealing with the issue of the cameras refusing to capture some people?

"Unfortunately, we experienced it, especially in Okalongo constituency, Ruacana constituency, and Otamanzi constituency. Also, in Oshikuku constituency, especially where we are right now, we are urging people to make sure that at least when they come to the registration points they dress up properly because sometimes it is our traditional bracelets that we put on that do not really go well with the kit, but the problems we could not manage, we took it up with our superior, and we told them to come back the next day."

Photo Credits
NBC Digital News


Tonateni Haimbodi