World Environment Day, celebrated on the 5th of June, is dedicated to raising awareness, mobilising action, and promoting environmental sustainability. 

This annual event serves as a crucial reminder of the need to protect the planet and ensure a healthy, sustainable future for generations to come.

The FNB Legal and Credit Risk Compliance Team took a significant step towards environmental sustainability by planting 32 fruit trees at Theo Kajimune Primary School in Katutura. 

This initiative is not only aimed at enhancing the school's environment but also to promote sustainable agriculture and provide a valuable resource for students.

FNB Climate Risk and ERSA Manager Brenton David says, "FNB is very cognizant of our environment and our digital footprint, as well as our interaction with the communities in which we operate. The vision behind that is that the trees that were planted are actually fruit-bearing trees, so we are promoting sustainability; the trees will be here for future generations, and the school can also leverage them."

Theo Ickua from the Agra Provision team, a key figure in the initiative, addressed the importance of conducting such environmental projects at schools. 

"We are here to plant trees at Theo Katjimune PS, but also to give an understanding to this young generation from an agricultural point of view or just agricultural in general; planting trees is one; growing trees with fruit is just one of those aspects.'

Representing the learners, the head girl, Alivine Hirokerua, and head boy, Veendapi Meroro, of Theo Katjimune Primary School, both spoke passionately about the importance of preserving the environment. 

"My name is Alvine Hirokerua, and I am the head girl of Theo Katjimune. Why is it important to preserve the environment? We need to preserve the environment because trees give us clean air, water, food material, and space for recreation and to ensure the long-term wellbeing of both humans and the planets."

"My name is Veendapi Meroro, and I am the head boy of Theo Katjimune PS. I will be representing the learners. Why is it important to plant a tree for future generations? Planting trees can help promote sustainable living by reducing carbon and mitigating climate change."

The newly planted fruit trees at Theo Katjimune Primary School are expected to yield lasting benefits and foster a sustainable and green environment for the school.

Photo Credits
NBC Digital News


Johanna !Uri#khos