

Despite the low turnout of eligible voters to register for the November general elections, the process is steady at the Berseba and Soutput semi-fixed registration points in Berseba Constituency.

Team leaders Gilbert Frederick and Morris Coleman revealed this in an interview with the nbc News team.

Berseba registration point team leader Gilbert Frederick says 100 eligible voters have registered since the general registration of voters (GRV) started on Monday. 

He noted there were a few technical glitches due to poor network reception, but they did not affect the smooth voter registration process. 

Morris Coleman, team leader of the Soutput semi-fixed registration point, says eligible voters were coming in dribs and drabs to register. 

He was, however, satisfied with the overall turnout. 

Both Frederick and Coleman urged eligible voters to partake in the GRV process ending on August 3. 




Luqman Cloete