

#NAMIBIAVOTES2024 | Smooth GRV process at Berseba, Soutput


Despite the low turnout of eligible voters to register for the November general elections, the process is steady at the Berseba and Soutput semi-fixed registration points in Berseba Constituency.

Team leaders Gilbert Frederick and Morris Coleman revealed this in an interview with the nbc News team.

Berseba registration point team leader Gilbert Frederick says 100 eligible voters have registered since the general registration of voters (GRV) started on Monday. 

|Hai-|Khaua Deputy Kaptein Stephanus Goliath buried


The Deputy Kaptein of the |Hai-|Khaua clan and liberation struggle stalwart, Stephanus Goliath, has been buried at his ancestral village of Berseba in the ||Kharas Region. 

Hundreds of mourners flocked to Berseba village to pay their last respect at the state funeral service. 

Chief Mourner President Hage Geingob, First Lady Monica Geingos, and Vice-President Nangolo Mbumba were among the prominent mourners who attended the late Goliath's burial. 

Late Goliath died at the age of 78 on the 10th of March after battling cancer.