Residents of Oranjemund Constituency are proposing that ||Kharas Region be split into two regions, namely ||Kharas South and North, for service delivery streamlining. 

The Oranjemund Constituency councillor, Lazarus Nangolo,  presented the proposal during the second day of Boundary  Delimitation and Demarcation Commission's public consultations at Keetmanshoop.

The regional demarcation proposal recommended that Oranjemund, Karasburg West, Karasburg East, and !Nami#Nus constituencies be incorporated in the ||Kharas South Region, while the remaining constituencies, including Keetmanshoop Urban, Keetmanshoop Rural, and Berseba, be incorporated in ||Kharas North Region. 

"The community of Oranjemund, of course, after duly deliberations of the distances that we are travelling, which I am saying are about  1000 km because it is 500  to come and 500 to go back when we come to attend regional activity, as well as the absenteeism  of some of the public services, is proposing the regional demarcation of ||Kharas South and ||Kharas North."

Johanna Ileka-Nangolo, Chief Administrative Officer in the Oranjemund Constituency Office, said the community is in consensus for the region to be split, although some concerns were raised. 

"The proposals were welcomed, but there were still concerns. If we now split the region in two, would we not deplete our national budget? And there was also the seat of the new government. The members wanted to know how that was probably determined, where the seat should be, and all that."

Residents of ||Kharas Region who participated in the consultation opposed the idea of splitting the region in two. 

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NBC Digital News


Luqman Cloete