A former homeless couple gathered resources to assist the homeless at an event hosted at Khomasdal Stadium over the weekend.

In 2022, Vecius and Winnie Tapiso found themselves homeless, a situation they would not wish on anyone.

After picking themselves up, they founded the Nest of Love Welfare Organisation to assist and rehabilitate the homeless.

After knocking on numerous doors, they managed to secure food and meat items for the homeless living at Khomasdal Stadium.

"We slept in the cold, without food or coverage. We understood the world of homelessness; we never knew how it was until we were in that space. 
Hence, we thought we should do something because we know what these people have been through. After we registered our organisation, Nest of Love Welfare, we intend to lead the homeless people on the road to accessibility and affordability," they stated. 

Still, others remain hopeful for land to settle with their children.



Selima Henock