Romeo Muyunda, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism, has confirmed the water situation at Ngenda.
Muyunda stated that samples were taken from the water treatment plant in 2023 for testing, and it was determined that the water posed a low health risk.
According to the report, the iron levels were found to be 1.72 milligrammes per litre. It is scientifically recognised that drinking water with iron levels up to 2 milligrammes per litre does not pose a risk.
Muyunda also mentioned that there is currently no evidence suggesting that any staff members have become ill due to the water.
However, the ministry has secured funding from the Game Products Trust Fund to drill another borehole at a greater distance from the camp, in hopes of obtaining better quality water.
It is expected that the installation of the borehole will be completed within this year.