

NYC calls on youth organisations to register


The National Youth Council's (NYC) ||Kharas Regional Coordinator, Emma Abed, is calling on youth groups in the regions to register their organisations and renew their affiliation with the national youth body in preparation for upcoming constituency youth elective conferences. 

Keetmanshoop Municipality hands over 10 houses


The Keetmanshoop Municipality has officially handed over ten houses to beneficiaries under the decentralised build-together housing programme.

These ten two-bedroom houses, each valued at N$80,000, were presented to the beneficiaries by Keetmanshoop's deputy mayor, Anneline Knaus.

||Kharas TransNamib workers demonstrate over suspension of rail services


TransNamib workers based in the ||Kharas Region say the suspension of rail services in the country is affecting them psychologically.

They expressed these sentiments at Keetmanshoop during a nationwide peaceful demonstration organised by the Namibia Transport and Allied Workers Union.

Construction of Keetmanshoop VTC 99% complete


Six percent of the ||Kharas Region's population depends on farming for their livelihoods. 

The region's unemployment rate stands at 23 percent, and Governor Aletha Frederick says a shortage of vocational institutions worsens the situation. 

Nathaniel Christiaan named new Bondelswarts Captain


The Christiaan Royal House has unanimously resolved to designate Nathaniel Christiaan as the new captain of the Bondelswarts tribe. 

Traditional Councillor Amalia Alberts says the application for Christiaan's designation has already been forwarded to relevant authorities for processing. 

UNAM inaugurates Technology Centre Keetmanshoop


The University of Namibia inaugurated the Rhino-Halliburton Technology Centre at its Southern Campus in Keetmanshoop. 

The state-of-the-art facility will improve research and practical training in petroleum geology, engineering geology, geophysics, and data analysis. 

NPC approves N$60 million for UNAM Southern Campus Geosciences Building


The National Planning Commission (NPC) has approved N$60 million in funding over three years for the construction of the UNAM Southern Campus Geosciences building, where specialised laboratories, including the oil and gas lab and the hydrology and engineering labs, will be housed.