The Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) recently held meetings in the Zambezi Region in the Linyanti and Kongola constituencies, which were addressed by the party's national chairperson, Ricky Vries.

Speaking at Kangongo Village, Vries said the official opposition party continues to advocate for a reduction in the number of members of parliament currently occupying government offices by cutting down ministers from the current 21 to only 15, as well as deputy ministers from 20 to only four. 

"If we vote for the PDM and we get a leaner government, we will save substantially on the financial resources of the government."

He said that not only is the party focused on food self-sufficiency, which will, in turn, create jobs for many while also stimulating the country's economy through value addition, but that issues such as affordable, quality health care for all remain a priority.

"We will do away with tendering; the most needed medicine cannot be sourced through a third person; the government must directly buy these medicines for the people, for the citizens of this country, so we cannot buy through a second or third person; it makes the affordability of our medicines very expensive."

He urged those eligible to vote who have not yet registered to do so before the due date. He particularly reminded the youth to register.

"The youth are the majority of the population in Namibia, and strangely enough, our youth are not going to register. That is worrisome; you cannot rely on the parents or on the elders to go and vote for you; you must vote for yourself for your own future and for your own development; you cannot delegate that right and that responsibility of yours to the elders and other people except you."

Similar sentiments were shared with the residents of Masida Masida village in the Linyanti constituency, whom he addressed on Tuesday.



Juliet Sibeso