Swanu of Namibia has declared its readiness for the upcoming elections despite internal conflicts. 

President Evilastus Kaaronda told the media in Windhoek that the extraordinary central committee meeting held last week, as a result of the High Court ruling, confirmed the nullification of Charles Katjivirue's leadership and the unlawful status of previous meetings.

Kaaronda says resolutions taken at the congress included the expulsion of Charles Katjivirue and Sam Tjikuzu for allegedly harming the party's reputation and the suspension of Issaskar Hiakaere and Emilie Kazapua. 

"It was more important to convene and not allow the party to be held hostage by individuals who think they are leaders of Swanu. Unity is important to us, but without discipline, it is actually meaningless."

New leadership appointments were also confirmed, including that of Wendy Christian as Secretary General, Albert Urora Henguva as Secretary for National Organisation and Mobilisation, and Victorina Andreas as Deputy Secretary.

Both Kaaronda and Wendy Christian, the new Secretary General of the party, say the axed members have been served.

Charles Katjivirue, representative of the said members, has confirmed that they were served via WhatsApp but says he will address the matter at a media conference to be held tomorrow.

Despite the turmoil, Swanu's leadership asserts that the party is prepared for the elections and committed to unity and discipline.

"We have noticed that voter rolls for the past elections have been at about 1.3 million, but for this election as of yesterday, it hovered around 1.3 million people with only 3 days before registration comes to an end. In rural Namibia, registrations were not conducted, and this must be addressed."

Among other national issues, Swanu called for an extension of the voter registration exercise and criticised a proposal to allegedly grant permanent residence to wealthy foreigners. 

The party also urged President Nangolo Mbumba to sign the Jerry Ekandjo Private Member Anti-gay Bill into law.



Daniel Nadunya