The Director of Performance Improvement in the Office of the Prime Minister commended several public service institutions for their remarkable performance and responsiveness in compiling and announcing their service charges.

The Director of Performance Improvement, Susan Ntema, shared notable achievements of these institutions.

"Among those that came out on top was the Office of the Auditor General. You can find that this is really a responsive institution. When you walk in there, you can clearly see where you are headed, and somebody will meet you immediately. They have a screen outlining where to go. The reception is very operational; they will be able to meet you. The synergies are very clear, and they have gone to the extent of even translating their charters into other languages. Also, it's good to acknowledge the Ministry of Justice. They are also making some strides there, especially in terms of their case management system, where you can check how far your case is, and you even get SMS notifications of how you are doing."

The Ministry of Home Affairs has similarly improved its services.

The Erongo and Oshana Regional Councils have also been recognised for their excellent corporate practices and staff efficiency.

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Martha Mwafangeyo