The dream to own a decent house for shack dwellers at Aus Settlement in the ||Kharas Region is drawing close to reality. 

Ten low-cost houses are being built at the settlement under the Shack Dwellers Federation housing scheme. 

The houses will be constructed at a cost ranging between N$28,000 and N$39,000. 

Jocobina Seister, a member of the Shack Dwellers Federation, said, "The majority of Aus residents live in corrugated zinc houses, and it is a huge relief. When we started with this housing scheme, more residents showed interest in being part of it. People are now rushing to become part of it."

Seister says the number of the Shack Dwellers' members has increased to 79 since its inception at the settlement in 2020. 

The construction of houses, which was delayed due to the non-availability of contractors, will be completed in October. 

Aus Settlement has a population of about 2000 residents. 



Luqman Cloete