To date, 56,875 kilogrammes of game meat have been distributed by the government in support of the drought relief programme.

The game meat is from 157 animals of different species that were hunted in the Mangetti, Mahango, Kwando, Buffalo, and Mudumo national parks. 

In a media statement, the spokesperson in the Ministry of Environment, Tourism, and Forestry, Romeo Muyunda, said an arrangement has been made with the Office of the Prime Minister and Meatco for the Ministry to provide them with the meat. 

Muyunda noted that this process underscores the significance of conservation in the country, as the provision of meat improves people's nutrition and contributes to poverty reduction. 

"This offtake will assist the negative impact of drought on conservation and on wild animals in both our parks. There shouldn't be any doubt that the drought has affected most of the country's economic sector, and conservation is no exception. In our view, this will assist in managing the current grazing pressure and availability of water by reducing wildlife numbers in parks and communal areas where we feel the numbers have exceeded the available grazing in those areas." 

Following a cabinet decision, MEFT is expected to contribute 723 animals, comprising 30 hippos, 60 buffalos, 50 impalas, 100 blue wildebeest, 300 zebras, 83 elephants, and 100 elands. 

"The animals are going to be sourced from different national parks and communal areas that have sustainable wildlife numbers; the identified national parks are Namib Naukluft Park, Mangetti National Park, Bwabwata National Park, Mudumu National Park, and Nkasa Rupara National Park." 

Muyunda added that the ministry is happy that it could assist the country in this very difficult time when it is absolutely needed. 

He added that not only do Namibians benefit through the meat provided for drought relief, but the ministry has over the years supplied meat for national, regional, and traditional events in line with government policies and laws.



July Nafuka