The Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (nbc) has extended condolences to the bereaved family of former nbc Kaisames FM Manager Joseph !Garab. 

!Garab died at his farm near Khorixas on Tuesday, aged 65. 

The late !Garab joined the nbc's Damara/Nama service, now Kaisames FM, as a Junior Announcer/Presenter and Translator in 1980. 

In January 1988, he was promoted to the position of Announcer, Damara/Nama service, within the News and Programming Department.

In November 1993, !Garab was promoted to the position of Senior Announcer/Producer and was transferred to Otjiwarongo Contribution Centre in the position of Senior Producer, Damara/Nama in 1995. 

He was later promoted to Executive Producer in 2003. 

In 2013, !Garab was again promoted to the position of Station Manager: Damara/Nama, now Kaisames FM.

He went on retirement in 2019, after serving the corporation for 39 years. 

He is survived by his wife, six children, and grandchildren.
Details on his memorial and funeral services are yet to be announced.



Selima Henock